Why Is Drinking Water So Important?
By: Nick Thomas
I know you have heard that drinking water is important, but do you really understand just how vital it is for having a healthy, functioning body? Sometimes the difference in actually incorporating something in your daily life is in not just being told to do so, but having a true knowledge about the reasons behind it.
Drinking more water each day is something EVERYONE can do with ease to improve their overall health and body function. Simply keep a bottle of water or your favorite cup with ice water in it with you all day — yes, no matter where you go! You can even do things like setting timers on your phone or writing target times on your bottles to make sure you keep a good drinking pace through the day. A great goal is to drink about a gallon a day.
Now let’s break this down so you gain the knowledge which will fuel your desire to actually make this a part of your daily life. Reaching for water instead of coffee, tea, energy drinks, or sodas is a key to true hydration. This is actually what will really give you the energy you are seeking when you are tempted to grab those other drinks. Water plays a vital roll in fueling your muscles so they can perform at optimal level at all times and especially during exercise. If you have ever experienced a cramp during a workout or while playing a sport, it was likely due to a lack of water intake that day. Avoiding painful muscle pulls and tears can even be traced back to good hydration.
Chances are you are not aware of some of the less talked about, but incredibly beneficial aspects of staying well hydrated. Things such as boosting your metabolism and even having more youthful, smooth skin are on this list. Also, the ability to stay focused and concentrate on the tasks of the day are rooted in getting a sufficient amount of water, not to mention keeping dehydration headaches at bay. Here is a biggie, especially this time of year, most of us will do anything to help boost our immune system and keep sickness away. Good hydration actually keeps all your major organs functioning as they should which helps fight off all those germs that make us sick.
When the proper amount of water is consumed, our body maintains a better blood pressure. It also keeps our digestion at a regular level preventing constipation and an overly acidic stomach, which can lead to things like heartburn and stomach ulcers. Drinking plenty of water also regulates the body’s fluid level which, if not maintained, could lead to kidney stones among other issues.
The body can go days without eating, but water is truly essential to life itself. Water consumption is the key to living your most healthy, fit life!
For more information regarding a personalized, general, or sports nutrition plan, contact me at Prime Performance 423-805-0870.
By: Nick Thomas