Whose Duck Will Be The Quickest Quacker?
By: Lynne Hart
Adopted Ducks Will Support Local Environmental Education
It is rubber duck season in Athens, and KALB would love to see all of our ducks adopted for the Wacky Quacky Ducky Derby taking place on October 5.
All prizes have been generously provided, so every donation made to adopt ducks supports the work of Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful. Not sure what our organization does? I invite you to check out our website at www.KALBCares.com or the Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful Facebook page to learn more about the organization this event supports.
The derby will take place at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5 at Big Spring Memorial Park (The Duck Pond, of course!). Hundreds of specially-designed rubber ducks will be racing down the spillway, which is a fun thing to witness in itself!
For a $5 donation to KALB, one numbered racing duck will be entered into the race in your name. Ducks will be divided and raced in 4 to 6 heats, depending on the total number of ducks adopted.
Rubber ducks will swim down the spillway trying to reach the duck trap to earn a place in the Championship Race in which every duck wins a prize! The number of winners in each heat will be determined by the total number of prizes at the time of the derby.
All heat winners will be entered into the Championship Race and prizes won will be determined by the order the ducks come through the duck trap. Winners will be announced as soon after that final race as possible.
Papa Murphy’s Quack Packs
If you are into good deals, a Quack Pack of adopted ducks fits the bill, so to speak. For a $25 donation to KALB, 6 ducks (one free) will be entered into the derby in your name, and you will be guaranteed at least one duck in each heat, unless you request otherwise. You will also receive a coupon for 25% off your entire order from Papa Murphy’s Pizza with no expiration date!
How To Adopt Ducks
Ducks can be adopted online at www.KALBCares.com. Click the EVENTS tab and Wacky Quacky Ducky Derby. Adoption forms are also available at the KALB office at 125 East St. in Athens. Duck adoptions will also be available at the KALB tent during the Fiddlers Convention on October 3, 4, and 5 where you can adopt ducks until 1:00 p.m. on Saturday.
All of us at KALB truly appreciate the support we receive from our community. We could not exist without our successful fundraisers, wonderful supporters, and awesome volunteers!
By: Lynne Hart
Executive Coordinator – Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful