When You Share, You Gain Perspective. Try it!
Take a moment and name 5 skills you have, or perhaps 5 things you do extremely well.
Have you ever heard the phrase “If you hold on to something to tight you might lose it”? I would have to agree with it.
As I thought about my topic for this month’s article, I could not help but remember a video by Andy Stanley I watched a few weeks ago as I was preparing to teach a leadership class. I found lots of great resources, but this one stuck with me the most. The message in the video talked about emptying our cups.
Yes, emptying our cups. As I listened very attentively, I thought how true it is that we must empty our cups often. Most of us are so busy trying to fill our cups, we don’t dare think about emptying them. As I continued to listen, I thought about you and me and how our cups truly “runneth over.” We all have things we love, appreciate, and have gained knowledge about over the years, but are we really taking the time to grow those around us? Some people share their knowledge. Others hoard or hold on to it and just keep packing it in, never release it. How selfish! It’s just like when we hold our fist tight, trying keep what’s in our hands. In doing so, we choose not to allow the opportunity to receive.
It’s the same way with those full cups we have. You know, sometimes we have to empty our cups to really get what we need. Our responsibility as leaders is not to teach everything, but to share what we do know with those coming along beside us. I challenge all of us to empty our cups, especially by pouring into someone else’s cup.
God blesses each of us with so much, remember to keep your eyes on Him and not the blessing; instead, share the blessing!
I leave you with words from Andy Stanley, Leadercast Presenter:
• Think beyond You!
• If your leadership isn’t about you, it will live beyond you.
• If your leadership is about you, it will end with you.
• Bring someone along with you.
• Don’t Hoard.
• Share.
Until Next Time, Be Sincere, Kind and Intentional
By: Jackie Warner, Community/Career Outreach Specialist
The Bridge “Where Community Matters”
Email: thebridge.us@gmail.com
Checkout our events: http://thebridge-us.yolasite.com