Weight Loss Maintenance – Health & Fitness

Maintaining weight loss long-term is difficult. Research shows that most dieters regain their lost weight within five years and up to two- thirds gaining more weight than they lost. But researchers have also learned some of the traits and strategies that help increase a person’s chance of maintaining their weight lost. The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) has tracked more than 10,000 people over the last 23 years who have successfully maintained their weight lost. Here are some suggestions for maintaining your weight loss:

Focus on lifestyle changes and not a diet. These habits/changes must be adaptable to your situation and needs and sustainable for long term.

Move it! The NWCR reports that 90% of successful losers exercise an average of one hour a day. This may seem discouraging, but activity does not need to be strenuous or extreme. The most common exercise reported to the NWCR is walking.

Resistance training helpsbuilds to preserve and build muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day, even while resting. Focus on working all the major muscle groups two or three days per week. If you are unsure or need help in finding a program best for you, contact a certified personal trainer that can set up a simple program for you.

Keep a food and activity diary to help raise your awareness. You might want to include the following in this diary:

  • What you ate and how much (calories, points, or carbs, etc.)
  • Where you were and what you were thinking and feeling before you ate
  • How much time it took you to eat
  • What you were doing while you ate (watching TV, playing computer games)
  • How you were feeling and level of fullness after you ate
  • When you exercised and type of exercise
  • Time of day you exercised and length of time
  • How you felt before and afterward exercising
  • Sleep patterns after exercising in the day

Self-monitoring can help when maintaining your healthy behaviors becomes challenging.

Maintain a circle of friends and family that are supportive, enjoy healthy eating and exercise. Work with a certified health coach to overcome obstacles when they come up.

Plan for barriers that may obstruct your activity schedule or your new eating habits such as stress, vacation, financial issues, etc,). If you do have a “setback,”, use it as a learning experience rather than calling it a failure.

Always remember why you worked so hard to lose weight because it is easy to fall back into old habits. Go ahead and write down your reason and look at it every day as a constant reminder to stick with your new healthy behaviors!
For more information about weight loss and maintaining that weight loss, call Janet Hunt at 256-614-3530 or jhunt9155@gmail.com
By: Janet Hunt
Janet Hunt is a Certified Personal Trainer and can be reached at 256-614-3530 to schedule an appointment.