Thinking Back But Moving Forward… Accomplishments This 2015
Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season to you and your families. As we are busy selecting gifts for our loved ones, remember the real reason for the season- Jesus Christ our Savior– The Perfect Gift!
I encourage us all to take a look back at our accomplishments for this year, starting with a revisit of those big resolutions we made in January 2015. Let’s honestly ask ourselves: were we successful? In some instances, yes, of course we were, but in others, not even close. I started looking back at all I had “planned” to do this year and regrettably, several are still on “the list”. They did not get the attention deserved for real success. Each year we come up with these wonderful New Year resolutions, but many are just that…. resolutions. As you look back over your life for this year, ask yourself, “Am I better now than when I started, or was I aimless in my journey, with no true strategies and preparation to meet my desired goals?”
Reflection and self-observation are critical and essential; during the hustle and bustle of the season, stop and take time for yourself to truly decide what is needed in your life to move you forward. Set realistic personal commitments that have genuine purpose for your life’s journey. We can say what we want to do all day long. We can write it down and keep it with us; however, the real work begins when we decide to take personal action and do it for ourselves with or without the help of others. The excuses we make get the best of us and prevent us from executing the steps it takes to accomplish success in life.
Although I did not meet all my goals for this 2015 year, I am reflecting and looking back at what I did right and what I definitely can do better for myself, family, and my circle of influence. What promises did I make to myself and others? What were my obstacles, and who and what were my supporting anchors?
If it is the Lord’s will for us to be present in 2016, then the time is now to determine and prepare for those realistic commitments that will make us better for ourselves and world around us.
Again, I wish you all a wonderful and blessed season and Happy New Year.
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established Proverbs 16:3
Until Next Time, Be Sincere, Kind and Intentional
Jackie Warner, Community/Career Outreach Specialist
The Bridge “Where Community Matters”
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