The God Prescription: A Doc Talks Total Health
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner
This past Monday I had the privilege and joy of interviewing Dr. Avery Jackson III, MD on the Tennessee Valley Spotlight radio show on WKAC 1080 AM. Avery is a neurosurgeon who has been interviewed on TV, is a conference speaker, a researcher and also the author of The God Prescription: Our Heavenly Father’s Plan for Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Health.
I had seen Dr. Jackson first on TV, and then got to know him at a conference on brain science that was held in Dallas last December. He is a colleague of Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist who hosted the event, and Avery was one of the speakers. In addition to all the categories that are part of the title of his book, one of the things Dr. Jackson discussed was the role of humor in brain health and battling disease. He will tell you that he makes sure that he gets in 10 belly laughs a day as part of his own self-care regimen, and we have traded funny videos back and forth that have inspired much-needed laughter, especially in this present era of COVID.
Dr. Jackson’s story in ways reminds me of that of Dr. Ben Carson, in that he felt a calling to be a doctor at a young age; in Avery’s case, the age of eight. He didn’t even know what a neurosurgeon was, he just knew he was going to be a brain doctor, and he has become a fine one. He is also a man of faith, a regular guy who loves his wife and kids, and someone who has enjoyed being at home with his family. They have played more Monopoly than any of them ever would have dreamed, and have made sure they have done lots of laughing, which by the way, strengthens the immune system against all kinds of disease.
The premise of The God Prescription is pretty simple: we are fiercely loved, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we were designed to heal and be well even into old age. In Avery’s words from the introduction to the book:
“God’s intricate design of every individual includes three major components:
1. Spirit -We are spirit beings because we are made in the image and likeness of God, and He is a Spirit.
2. Soul- Mind, will, and emotions
3. Body-Brain, blood, bones, muscles, etc.
Yet in medical school, we are taught only to investigate the pathology of illnesses and diseases—in other words, the structural and functional deviations from the normal that constitute disease or characterize a particular disease. The impact of spiritual and mental/emotional health on physical health is typically not investigated. In my opinion, this approach only addresses one-third of the human condition.”
Dr. Jackson covers the “rest of the story,” and makes a wonderful and understandable case for the why behind our needs as well as our God-given ability to choose to heal effectively.
The God Prescription carefully and unapologetically lays out a plan for wholeness that rests solidly on the foundation of science and scripture, and it is a comforting, hope-filled read. Get your copy today!
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner