Sweater Weather – Cooking With Anna
It is finally feeling like fall, and I am ready to bust out my sweaters and boots. Some of y’all love summer; well for this gal, I love fall and winter. Maybe I love this cooler weather because I am the proud owner of a “Sweater Body.” If you are asking what a sweater body is, you don’t have one! I’m fluffy, pleasantly plump, and well-padded; I’m made to be covered with a sweater.
Now, I am working hard towards a trimmer version of myself and maybe I will graduate to a t-shirt body soon. But for right now, I am still rocking the sweater. In the past, I was ashamed of my body. I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin. To most people, I seemed to be brimming with confidence. I have a degree in vocal performance. I didn’t mind being on stage or public speaking. But for someone who has always been uncomfortable and unsure of themselves, they become very good actors. I could have won an Oscar. On the outside, I was confident and in control; on the inside, I was falling apart and constantly second guessing every minute of my life.
Making the inside match the outside has proven to be a hard road, but boy, oh, boy, am I grateful for deciding to walk the hard road. I could lie to you and say that becoming comfortable with yourself is all puppy dogs and roses, but it’s not. It’s hard work, but so worth it! Surrounding yourself with people who are going to keep you focused on your goal will make it easier. Create for yourself a safe place to fall. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Once you reach your goal, you will be happy for all the hard work.
This week’s recipe is a play on one of my favorite dishes of all time. There is a great little Italian restaurant in Decatur that serves Eggplant Rollatini and it is AMAZING. This recipe takes delicious chicken and rolls it up in thin strips of zucchini. It is a delicious swap with no guilt! And the best part is it is only 4 ingredients! I am sure your family will beg for seconds of this dish.
Let’s embrace ourselves for where we are in our lives — no matter if you are rocking that summer body or that sweater body. Love yourself! Embrace it! Enjoy the journey and continue to walk that hard path. It’s so gonna be worth it!
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11