Sue Edgemon: A Grand Warrior And A Great Cook

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner
Athens has lost a woman to cancer who can be described in a number of ways, not the least of which includes “a grand warrior and a great cook.” Her name was Sue Edgemon, and I first met her at a Juice Plus+ team meeting held at her home back in 2003, and I loved her from the get go. She battled cancer literally for decades, and her “independence” from it was recently declared just after the 4th of July. Sue was truly the sweetest of “cancer combatants,” and the whole way she lived her life, from what she ate to how she lived to what she said touched her family and all of us deeply. She fought hard and beautifully, and I have no doubt that the lifestyle choices she made extended her life for years. We will miss her greatly until we “get to where she’s gotten to.”

In her honor we are publishing what we call in our house “Sue’s Guac,” but perhaps it would be better described as “Sue’s Superb Guacamole.” It is the best I have ever had, and I lived in Mexico for almost two years! Enjoy with abandon, because it is tasty and terrifically healthy, and a tribute to a wonderful woman who finished well.