Stop Giving Discounts – Know Your Worth!
By: Jackie Warner
Value is defined
Noun- the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something
Verb – consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer and got a chance to enjoy life just a little bit more than you have in the past. This month my topic is self-worth and how we all have the opportunity to invest in each other. Are you taking too much from someone or giving too little?
I remember when I was a little girl, not more than 7or 8 years old. My grandfather would ask me this question, and I wasn’t quite sure how to answer it but I did. He asked me “Well, did you see anybody you liked today better than you did yourself?” Being 7 or 8, I remember saying to him, “Yes I did.” He scolded me and said that you never want to like anybody better than yourself! Ever! I think back so many years ago and now realize that he was preparing me to love me first and to know that I had worth without any doubt, to be comfortable with myself, and to truly know my self-value.
Today, are we as parents and role models speaking genuine worth into our children, grandchildren and loved ones? This is not a boastful or proud self-worth, but a lesson of love for self that allows them to truly love and care for the life they have. I remember while waiting at the bus stop over the years, I would always tell my daughters to radiate from within – “shining brightly like stars” – just before they would step on the bus for school. I loved them hard, but most of all I taught them to love self and know their worth.
Make the investment because there are so many missed opportunities. Our children look for their worth in all the wrong places – other people as evident in our high divorce rates and bad relationships, drugs, money, material possessions … the list continues.
By: Jackie Warner
Career Development Facilitator “Impact, Engage, Grow” Community Matters