Step Up To The Buffet Table In 2018 – Clean and Green

By: Lynne Hart
I love to go to buffet restaurants! It gives me the chance to taste new things without the commitment of an order-off-the-menu meal. If I don’t like it, I can go back and get something else.

Getting involved with KALB is much like a buffet table. There are so many ways to get involved without the scary commitment. With the KALB Commission, Athens-Limestone Beautification Board, and the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center under our KALB umbrella, we have a great selection of activities and events that would benefit from your participation. Try one. If you do like it, you can decide if you want to walk in ankle-deep water or jump in! If you don’t like it, there are many other opportunities to choose from.

There are many reasons why people want to get involved. There are those who hope to learn something new, others who do it to get to know people, and some just like to help out in their community. Whichever one of these descriptions fits you, KALB can offer what you desire.

“I just want to volunteer for a few hours.”
KALB is always looking for volunteers to help at events such as the Home & Garden Show, Waterway Cleanup, Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO, Clean and Green Fiddlers Convention, our fundraisers and more. During the change of seasons, our Beautification Board appreciates help with replanting the pots around the square, cemetery landscaping, and other green spaces.

“Can I help with one event, and then end my commitment?”
It is very helpful to have volunteers who are not already involved with KALB join our planning committees. We love fresh ideas and a new perspective. If you would prefer to volunteer for just a few hours at one event, we would be happy to have you.

“I’m a follower, not a leader. Is there a place for me?”
Absolutely! We have a list of people who love to volunteer at our events, but don’t want to be in charge of anything. KALB has activities and programs going on year around with volunteers making them happen.

“When I decide I like a cause, I’m not afraid to get involved for the long haul.”
We hope you will like us enough to stick around! If this is you, KALB welcomes volunteers to join our KALB Commission, Recycling Board, or our Beautification Board. Board members meet monthly to discuss organization business and make decisions regarding board activities. Outside of these board meetings, commission and board members are asked to be involved in other organization activities as they are able.

KALB and all of Athens and Limestone County have benefited from thousands of hours of volunteer time provided by hundreds of people just like you. If you would like to learn more about our organization and the volunteer opportunities available in 2018, we would love to sit a spell and chat with you! Our door is always open.
By: Lynne Hart