Spring Is Here: Are Your Pet Vaccines Up-To-Date?
Let’s talk about the dangers of not doing so. Dogs are very inclined to contracting different illnesses. A real danger is during the hot summer months when Hydrophobia or Rabies is prevalent.
Ever seen Disney’s “Old Yeller?” Wild animals can contract rabies, and easily pass it on to our dogs. It is usually a concern when an animal not known for aggression comes at our dogs and attacks them. If this happens, contact your veterinarian immediately and take your dog in. Some other signs are when the animal acts sluggish or they cannot keep their balance. Never attempt to pick up any carcass during this time of the year unless proper protective equipment is worn.
People easily forget about the threat of rabies. I for one don’t think about it like I should. Sometimes we all need to be reminded before a tragedy strikes our home.
Now when we go to get vaccines, we should be aware of how and where to administer them.
Your vet should have no problem allowing someone to watch their dog be vaccinated. If they do, I would suggest going to another vet because there is no reason to hide the way it is done. The reason I stress this is because the administrator of the vaccine should place the needle in the skin of the dog by raising the dog’s skin away from their body and injecting in the raised portion of the skin. This is necessary to avoid hitting any nerve in the dog. Nerve damage can lead to the crippling of the dog, so never allow anyone who has no experience doing this to even touch your dog.
I know this article is short this month, but I felt the need to remind everyone about this sickness that could strike anywhere. There was a time rabies was a scourge to our country and was feared. We do not want that to become an epidemic again.
One more thing: April is here, I will be taking May training sign ups. Due to college and other matters, anyone interested in training will have to call me for times and signing up. I can tell everyone that Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays will be my only available times.
By: Joel Allen