Spring Cleaning, De-Cluttering and Recycling
Spring has sprung and now it is time to begin your spring cleaning and de-cluttering. I ask that you remember to recycle when doing this process. Many items that people want to clear out when spring cleaning and de-cluttering can be recycled at the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center (ALRC), a division of KALB, located at 15896 Lucas Ferry Road. On the other hand, many items that people think can be recycled are not accepted at our facility. So I am going to give you a few pointers.
Those huge stacks of junk mail, magazines and newspapers that have been sitting around are a good place to start. Those along with any paper or hardback books can be recycled. One common question
is “ Do you accept encyclopedias?” and the answer is yes. So if you have old stacks of those sitting around, you can clear up some storage room by recycling those at your local recycling center.
Electronics that are broken, worn out or are no longer used can all be recycled at ALRC. Unfortunately we do have to charge a small fee of $10.00 for any television; however, you know it is being disposed of in the proper manner. Our electronics are sent to a company that carries all the proper certifications to recycle electronics. If you are a do-it-yourselfer and you have used motor oil sitting around from servicing your lawnmowers or vehicles, you can bring that used motor oil to the ALRC to be recycled.
Plastic is where it gets a little more complicated. If you have old plastic buckets or containers sitting around, you can bring those to ALRC. However, if you have old plastic lawn furniture, kids toys, hose pipes, PVC piping or any of these type items, they need to be put in the trash or taken to the transfer station because we cannot recycle them. The key word to plastic that is recycled
at Athens-Limestone Recycling Center is “CONTAINER.”
If you have a collection of plastic grocery bags, they can also be brought to ALRC but they must be clean and dry. However, if you have old plastic bags that had mulch, sand, potting soil or food in them, they need to be placed in the trash. Glass bottles and jars can also be recycled at ALRC, even if they are broken. We cannot accept window glass or windshields. Any type of metal, except automobiles, can be recycled at ALRC such as trampoline frames, basketball frames, metal swing frames, old appliances, etc.
Other items that SHOULD NOT be brought to the recycling center are hazardous waste items, medical waste items including insulin needles and dialysis tubing, drugs of any kind,paint of any kind, Styrofoam, tires, clothes, mattresses, wood, yard debris or household trash. If you are not sure of an item or have a question, please call the recycling center at 256-233-8746 and we will be glad to answer any questions. When inappropriate items are left at ALRC, it costs us money to have them disposed of properly.

Now roll up your sleeves and get to spring cleaning and RECYCLING. TIP TO DISPOSE OF LATEX PAINT Latex paint can be disposed of by pouring the paint into a cardboard box lined with a plastic bag so that it can dry more quickly. To speed up the drying process, add kitty litter, shredded paper, or sawdust to the paint. You can also purchase a product specifically for drying paint at most home improvement stores. Once the paint is dry, it can be placed in the regular trash. Recycle the can.
By: Ruby McCartney