Security Saavy – Protecting Your Home – Part IV
Over the past couple of months we have discussed several different layers of security for your home. We have looked at the need for a monitored electronic security system, fencing, lighting, security rated doors and other deterrents to keep your family and property safe from criminals. In this article I would like to explore the controversial issues of firearms and guard dogs. These suggestions may not fit your lifestyle, but they are valid in the discussion of protecting your home.
Most everyone that has a pet dog thinks that the dog will keep burglars from entering your home. This is not true. Most dogs bark to warn of activity or sounds that are not familiar to them. This only serves to let the potential intruder know that a dog is present and they will need to remove the obstacle. Most people think of their dogs as part of the family, and no one would want anything to happen to their pet. But, well trained dogs are an option to help protect your home and they can also be a pet. If you decide to get a dog for home security, you need to get a breed that suits your lifestyle and can be trained to protect your home and family. This will not be an inexpensive measure. You will need to continually work with the dog to keep its training at a high level. But, once trained, your dog will not only be your family’s best friend, it will be your family’s best defender.
Now let’s look at the hot topic of our time; guns. I will not discuss the 2nd Amendment other than this; the argument over the legality of firearms ownership was settled in 1791, with the passing of the Bill of Rights. If you have decided that you want a firearm in your home, you need to make sure that your family knows the proper way to use these weapons. My firm belief is that every member of the family should be able to safely use a firearm, and know where they are kept. My beliefs may not follow the mainstream, but I believe that if the mystery of the gun is taken away and the seriousness of the use of the gun is taught, there would be less accidental shootings. Enroll your family in a gun safety course; even your young children need to know how to safely use a gun. In this time of latch key kids, unfortunately, they may have to defend themselves while the parents are not at home.
I have seen the videos and read the articles about keeping your gun locked up and unloaded. I disagree with these ideas. I will always ask, what happens if you are at home watching TV; your gun is in your bedroom locked up and someone bursts through the door. What do you do? A firearm will not do you any good if you cannot get to it quickly.
These are suggestions for you to consider. Ultimately, protection of your family and home depends on you and what you feel comfortable adding to your home.
By: Brian Black of Madison Security Group