Publisher’s Point: Explore, Serve, And “Build A Life”
This week, “information and inspiration,” the subtitle of our little “shopper’s paper with substance,” Athens Now, came to me from two sources, one of which was completely unexpected. Let me tell you about the first source, Carrie Radnov, who was the expected one. She is a veritable fount of wisdom, humor, godliness and a savvy business woman. in the parlance of the direct marketing business. She is my “upline National Marketing Director,” which is a fancy term for my mentor and coach in the Juice Plus business, my other passion in addition to Athens Now. Every week we have two calls, an individual coaching and prayer call, and a team call. Our Juice Plus team name is Team Agape, and our calls are one of the many high points of my week.
Carrie recently purchased a domain entitled, and the purpose of the site she is going to build is to set forth the philosophy that anyone who is going to be successful in their career, at home, in business, ministry, or relationships needs to essentially do two things: explore the needs of the person with the right heart, and then serve them.
Anyone who knows me knows I am all about shorthand, and this phrase, which actually was brought to our team by a member who is a teacher, is my new battle cry. I choose afresh to explore rather than assume, and then will do my best to serve. Carrie has been coaching me for ten years now, and I look forward to many more.
The second source of inspiration, the unexpected one, came from someone I do not know, and don’t particularly care for. His name is Ashton Kutcher. He is portraying the late and controversial founder of Apple Computers, Steve Jobs, in a movie that comes out today entitled simply, Jobs.
A few days ago he made a speech to some teenagers, and spoke a phrase which sets forth another challenge. He said, in part:
“You can build your own things; you can build your own life. So build the life, don’t live one. Build one. Find your opportunities. And always be sexy.” (He did say that “smart is the new sexy, and seeing as this is my 60th year of life on this earth, I think it’s smarter to endeavor to live smart rather than worry about being sexy, whatever that is.)
I have a “Steve” in my life who has truly helped me to build mine, and that’s my husband. He has handed me “brick after brick” of challenges, opportunities and a new perspective on a kazillion things, and is the love of my life. He recently said the following, as a result of Mr. Kutcher’s musings, and it will serve to finish off this piece: “I spent all my life living my life. Now I am ready to build it.” How about you? Will you live a life, or build one? And if you explore, will you then serve?
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner