Our Gift Of Thanks And Gratefulness
By: Lynne Hart
All year long, KALB is seeking your help to create a healthier, better environment here at home in Athens and Limestone County and globally.
We ask you not to litter and to pick up litter whenever you can.
We ask you to recycle and add new materials to your list of recyclables as you are able.
We ask you for financial support so we can continue the important work of educating our citizens, young and old.
We ask you to volunteer at our events so we can make a difference in this community.
We ask you for in-kind donations so we can have successful fundraisers and meet our budget needs.
We ask you for so much, and so many of you come through for us. And for that we are so very, very grateful!
THANK YOU for allowing us to enter your classrooms and show your students why it is important to care about the world around them.
THANK YOU for inviting us to speak at your club meetings and gatherings and share important information that affects us locally.
THANK YOU to our volunteer commission and board members who make it possible for KALB and its related boards — Athens-Limestone Beautification Board and Athens-Limestone Recycling Board — to continue to function efficiently and as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
THANK YOU to our many community volunteers who step up to participate in our many events. Our Trash Attack and River Cleanup and #OneBagChallenge would not have made an impact without YOU! Our Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO, Duck and Run 5K, and Wacky Quacky Ducky Derby could not have taken place and been successful without each volunteer and participant.
THANK YOU to our very generous business community members who have helped support us and our events over this year and past years. Your generosity closed the gap in our budget needs allowing us to continue to share our important message.
THANK YOU to the City of Athens for your continued generous support of KALB, the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center, and the Athens-Limestone Beautification board and for demonstrating a clear understanding of the importance these services provide to this community. We are so very grateful.
THANK YOU to the Limestone County Commission for continuing support of our Recycling Center and Beautification Board, for helping during KALB cleanup events, and for understanding the value of this organization to the citizens of Limestone County.
So as we end 2019 and move into a new decade, we thank each of you whose decisions and actions have made a positive impact on the environment in Athens-Limestone County, whether seen or unseen. Everything you have done and continue to do helps improve our water quality, our air quality, the protection of our local wildlife, and the beauty of our hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, and pasture lands.
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
By: Lynne Hart
Executive Coordinator – Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful