New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs – What worked in 2013? What didn’t?
Business owners ask yourselves what worked and what didn’t for 2013. As you start to prepare for business success in 2014, taking a critical look at your business success strategies is vital for future business growth. Review the comments made by your customers. Look at commons, trends, peaks, and valleys in your business during the 2013 year. Use this data to make changes and adjustments to increase your opportunities for continued or new success. One of the most important investments you will make in your business is taking time to truly evaluate where you are currently in your business. Identify any gaps or barriers to your success and then act upon your findings.
Review and complete the business scorecard below and use the results to start achieving your business success for 2014.
- Development of Smart Business goals. SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic- Results, & Time Oriented.
- Listen to Your Customers!
- Are you trying to do too much yourself? Maybe it’s time to delegate. Hire a part-time assistant or college intern.
- Who is your Audience? How are you promoting your business? What’s your Marketing Plan? Do you have a website and a social media presence?
- Make business planning a weekly event. What’s working? What’s not? Adjust!
- Learn something new. Enroll in a course to increase your knowledge level. Stay connected and abreast in your industry!
- Join a business organization or networking group. Increase your Audience!
- Give back to your community.
- Do you have the right tools and resources? What equipment do you need to be successful? Get it!
- Take time for you and recharge. Business Success is Challenging!
Until Next Time, Be Sincere, Kind and Intentional
Jackie Warner, Career Development Facilitator
The Bridge “Where Community Matters”