Medical Update – Renewing The Body’s Cellular Communication System

The adult human body is made up of about 37 trillion cells. WOW, that’s a lot of cells! In fact, if you lined up all the cells in a human body end-to-end, you could actually circle the earth more than 2 times.
Cells communicate by sending and receiving signals. Signals may come from the environment, or they may come from other cells. In order to trigger a response, these signals must be transmitted across the cell membrane. Sometimes the signal itself can cross the membrane. Other times the signal works by interacting with receptor proteins that contact both the outside and inside of the cell. In this case, only cells that have the correct receptors on their surfaces will respond to the signal.
According to an article on by Dr. Peter Proctor, “redox signaling is the concept that electron-transfer processes play a key messenger role in biological systems.” This “redox signal” determines damage extent. Our cells are constantly under attack from bacteria, pollution, pesticides, chemicals, and even aging. Cells must be able to send a signal to communicate. Problems get worse when cellular communication goes wrong and the result is disease. In fact, most diseases involve at least one breakdown in cell communication.

For example, let’s look at diabetes. According to the University of Utah’s Health Sciences Department,
“The food that you eat is broken down into sugar, which enters the blood stream. Normally, cells in the pancreas release a signal, called insulin, that tells your liver, muscle and fat cells to store this sugar for later use. In type I diabetes, the pancreatic cells that produce insulin are lost. Consequently, the insulin signal is also lost. As a result, sugar accumulates to toxic levels in the blood. Without treatment, diabetes can lead to kidney failure, blindness and heart disease in later life. Type I and type II diabetes have very similar symptoms, but they have different causes. While people who have type I diabetes are unable to produce the insulin signal, those with type II diabetes do produce insulin. However, the cells of type II diabetics have lost the ability to respond to insulin. The end result is the same: blood sugar levels become dangerously high.” (
When communication is restored, the problems can be solved and health improves. It is actually quite simple. Redox signaling is universal to every function and system in your body and naturally created within every cell. As we age, our cells make fewer and fewer of these molecules, and the body’s ability to combat everyday ailments decreases.
To meet this challenge, a number of physicians and researchers have been collaborating to see if there is a viable way to assist the body in restoring its own cellular communication system. More than sixteen years ago, a group of medical professionals, engineers, and researchers discovered a proprietary method for creating Redox Signaling molecules native to the human body, and have recently made it available to consumers. Hazel Green Chiropractic Clinic has added ASEA and RENU 28 to its line of services and products that we believe will improve the quality of life and health for our patients, in combination with chiropractic treatment.
We have found these products to be invaluable in strengthening our immune systems, fighting disease, and the effects of aging. It’s even proving to be remarkable for naturally enhancing stamina and decreasing recovery time for athletes of all types.
ASEA and RENU 28 are now available through Dr. John Boyle at Hazel Green Chiropractic. If you are interested in receiving more information on how regular chiropractic care in combination with ASEA and RENEW 28 can take your health and quality of life to the next level, contact us at or simply text your email address to 256-503-2276.
By Dr. John Boyle, D.C.