Little Miss Attitude!
“A great attitude becomes a great day which becomes a great month which becomes a great year which becomes a great life.”– Mandy Hale
I saw this quote on a large print a few weeks back and fell in love with it. Y’all, I struggle with my attitude. One little thing will set me off and I’m down for the rest of the day. I don’t yell and scream, I don’t pitch a fit, but I do start that negative dialogue with myself. Then the dominos start to fall…one after the other and everything becomes a stumbling block, a bad thing, a mistake.
Having a bad attitude will cause self-sabotage. You become bitter and nasty to yourself and others. I was beating myself up for things that didn’t go according to plan or caused a hiccup in my day. Letting things that happen in your day control your attitude will make you miserable.
When you are miserable, it can wreak havoc on your health. Dr. Donald Hensrud, a physician affiliated with the Mayo Clinic says that when it comes to weight loss, attitude is everything! Your actions will reflect your thoughts. Having a negative attitude will result in a negative outcome. If you dwell on how hard dieting is, you’ll be more inclined to not eat the healthy salad and dive head first in to the new basket of fries at the golden arches.
Another important aspect of having a good attitude is surrounding yourself with positive people. If you are constantly with people who complain and choose to be unhappy, you will become a whiner and be miserable. Make sure to have supportive people by your side helping you keep your attitude in check. My husband is my biggest cheerleader, but he is also quick to give me an attitude check when I need one. We all need that person in our life that will call us out on being a jerk when need be. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that my husband is one of the most laidback, positive attitude people I know. Surrounding yourself with positive attitude people will cause you to be a positive attitude person.
I have officially been on this journey to better health for a year, and I am happy to announce that I have lost 70lbs! That number is amazing to me. I know I have more to go, but I am truly happy with the progress I have made and the difference it has made in my life. I am looking forward to 2020 as being the best year of my life. Thank you all for your continued support; having a crowd around you that is there cheering you on to be your best is amazing.
This week’s recipe is a delicious take on Taco Tuesday! We had this for supper this week and I enjoyed it the next day at work. Taco Pie is a great alternative to fried taco shells and chips. It’s all the yummy parts of a taco baked in a delicious pie. We topped ours with sour cream, salsa, and guacamole. In this recipe we used ground beef, but shredded chicken would be delicious, as well as a vegetarian version loaded with roasted peppers and onions. I hope you enjoy this with your family as much as I did.
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”—Proverbs 17:22