Learning As A Lifestyle – Is Your Resumé Up To Date?
In case you did not notice, the government shutdown. What can you do while you’re sitting on the couch as the shutdown happens? How about get your resumé up-to-date? Even if you are not affected by the shut-down, you should have a current resumé.
But what does a resumé look like these days? I recently read an article by Susan Ricker that said, “If you just bought new, expensive resumé paper, you’ve already
made a job-search mistake.” It made me think I probably did not know how to write a resumé anymore.
Her article, entitled “Does Your Resumé Look Dated? 6 Ways To Tell” had good ideas. She said that since most employers are using online applications, you could make yourself appear dated or out of touch if you don’t include links, or worse, your links are dead. She said the first section of your resumé should include name, address, contact information and links to personal portfolios or websites. If you don’t have a personal website, you can learn how to build one using free sites like WordPress, or by taking an online class, “Creating Websites using WordPress” through the Center for Lifelong Learning. Check our website – www. athens.edu/CLL – for more information
Another suggestion from Ricker – use keywords in the summary section taken from the job description. This will help you stand out to the hiring manager. Putting the most interesting job information at the top with keep the hiring manager interested in reading more. Most hiring managers only skim resumés and you will need to keep yours “clean, professional, and focused.”
Old resumés listed every job you ever had in chronological order. Today that is not necessary. Ricker says “If you’re not sure if you should include a job, ask if it’s
relevant to this position and your current career goals.” Be sure to look over your resumé to make sure you are focusing on achievements and not tasks. It is important to be specific about your accomplishments but not to the point that it sounds forced. You don’t want to sound too good to be true.
If updating your resumé is not the thing for you, you can find a class or activity at the Center for Lifelong Learning that will pass the time. If you did not get a catalog, you can call 256-233- 8260 to request one be mailed to you, or go on our website at – www. athens.edu/CLL. We are all still learning! Center for Lifelong Learning – 121 South Marion Street, Athens, AL 35611
By: Wanda Campbell