Kids And Grownups Loved The Earth Day Event
Last Saturday, over 1,000 guests came to KALB’s Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO held at Friendship Church. What a GREAT time was had by all who attended!
KALB is so grateful to the generosity of Friendship Church in letting us basically “take over” their facilities! Activities, exhibits, and animals spread from the outside grounds and through much of the church buildings! You could find critters that were microscopic in size, insects to hold, goats and alpacas to feed and pet, and Rosie, the beautiful horse from K.I.N. Stables to love on. The Alabama Wildlife Center was there with beautiful raptors to show off. We even had a special visit from Ludivine, the famous bloodhound from Elkmont. She strolled through giving hugs, licks, and paw shakes!
I must say that, although this event on the surface appears to be for children, it is a great experience for adults as well. There is a great deal of information shared that is important to everyone. I learn something new every single time we host this Earth Day event. We are never too old to learn nor should we ever stop!
One of our board members, Kay Kime, said she worked very hard to convince friends of hers to come to the event. They were hesitant, but they came. On the way out, they told Kay they would never miss another because it was one of the most informative events they had ever attended.
So plan to attend next year. It will be held the last Saturday in April. If you think you might forget, watch for our 2017 Paws for the Environment calendar with all of our events noted. The top 12 winners of the Paws for the Environment Photo Contest will be featured. The calendar will be on sale this fall!
I will let the photos speak for themselves.
By: Lynne Hart