Jump…Life Is Too Short!
By: Jackie Warner
As a society, we have made “Life” in itself so demanding and when we add to it the stresses, woes, and requirements of our workplace, what an equation we find ourselves trying to solve! Work, Life, Balance: How do we do it? Employers across the nation have recognized that in order for employees to be successful carrying out the tasks and responsibilities required by their job, there has to be some “give” or flexibility. I applaud the employers who not only speak of this in their mission statements but really see the value taking action steps for the betterment of their employees. Knowing that if you need to take off for an hour here or there to manage family situations, or even work from home for the day and still have your job, gives one peace of mind and a sense of relief. But then, there are the situations where individuals may not have an employer or a position where this is feasible. What happens then, and how does one make it work for self, family, and home life? Unfortunately, we have all heard and most likely know someone who has experienced a panic attack, stroke, mental breakdown, or even a heart attack all because of the stresses of trying to deal too much with work, family, and personal obligations, having no visible end in sight.
Without a doubt, I truly believe that we were put on this earth to serve, because if not for HIM, we would not go. Service requires truly being available, intentional, and focused on the task. If you are not mentally and physically available then your service is for what?
Daily, we get up and begin with broken spirits, mental exhaustion, health issues, relationship problems…yes, the list goes on and on. Imagine boarding a train and after being on the train for a while, the speed picks up and then gradually starts to increase more and then even more. There seems to be no way to slow it down, and you see it is headed for a derailment! Do you jump or continue towards derailment? Jump!
Taking a leap of faith for your health and sanity; derailing is not an option.
1. Put yourself on the schedule: Build a 2-minute gap time into your day. Take a deep breath, relax and breathe
2. Establish boundaries
3. Remember “No” and “Maybe” as answers to requests and not always “Yes”
4. Take time off. Use your vacation and personal days each year
5. Get up and don’t eat lunch at your desk – Get out of the building for a change.
By: Jackie Warner