It’s Party Time! – Cooking With Anna
Are you already celebrating? Have you put your party invitations in the mail? Are you sure you have enough asparagus? That’s right everybody, it’s National Asparagus Month! Get ready to get your green on!
May is a beautiful month. Flowers are blooming. Birds are singing. Vegetables are starting to come up in your garden. One of my favorite springtime veggies is asparagus. You can broil it, you can grill it, you can roast it, you can eat it raw in salads, and today we are putting it in a delicious spring celebration soup.
This lovely soup is packed full of fresh vegetables and herbs. Not only is it super yummy, but it is also friendly on your waistline since bikini season is coming up. So, get your invitations sent and celebrate National Asparagus Month with this great soup!