Intelligent Life – Millennial Mind
By: Rosemary Dewar
The issues surrounding abortion have continued to confound the American public as they have been shrouded by euphemism, secrecy, and disinformation. Policies that have stripped communities of their freedom to abstain from the practice are a blot on the history of American culture. The “care” that could be available for traumatic situations is limited to one singular procedure. The categorization of the most vulnerable group of people, babies and infants, has been reduced to a sign of life as trivial as that of a carnivorous plant or a parasite. Ignorance has plagued those who have fallen victim to abortion policies’ harsh and agonizing reality. Those who have advocated for the liberation from these policies have been the targets of pernicious lawsuits and vicious character indictments. Promoters of abortion procedures find every justification to further the American public’s lack of understanding through fear and lies.
Abortion is an adaption of medical procedures called dilation and evacuation, and dilation and extraction. The difference between the two procedures is: the number of weeks into gestation, length of the procedure, and tools. Doctors who performed abortions have testified to Congress that the procedures are problematic and harmful in nature. The lack of accuracy and completion are consistent hazards inherent in these procedures. Risks are not adequately communicated to those who inquire about or advocate for the procedures. Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortion provider, was responsible for performing over 1,500 abortions and testified to the United States Congress that, “A second trimester D&E abortion is a blind procedure. The baby can be in any orientation or position inside the uterus…the uterus is thin and soft, so be careful not to perforate or puncture the walls. Once you have grasped something inside, squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard–really hard…If you refuse to believe that this procedure inflicts severe pain on that unborn child, please think again…I personally treated hundreds of women with such conditions in my tenure there… but is abortion a viable treatment option in this setting? I maintain that it usually, if not always, is not.”
In order to conceal the fatal aggressiveness of the procedure, abortion advocates have systematically denied the in utero biological evidence of personhood. Analogies such as “teeth cleaning” or” polyp removal,” and vulgarisms such as “cluster of cells” and “just a zygote” are constant assertions as to how “innocuous” abortion may be.
The false attempt to express compassion for the pre-born child by asserting that the earlier an abortion is, the safer it is, or that a young enough baby cannot feel pain is nothing short of heinous. People with a congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP) or those in a stage four coma do not sense pain. They should not be considered less important than those who do feel pain. Sentience is also not a decent standard, because it would exclude toddlers, those with disabilities, and anyone momentarily sleeping.
Abortion advocates are running out of scientific arguments. All they will have left are the societal constructs that they have boxed themselves into.
Life is the valuable commodity society ought to strive to preserve, and humans have the singular ability to comprehend the deepest empathies. It betrays life in general, and humans specifically, to promote the quick and cold execution of innocent human life in the act of abortion.
By: Rosemary Dewar