Huntsville Rockets To Benefit Athens Boys And Girls Clubs
‘Bama has just won the SEC College Football championship and kept our fair state in the national limelight, and the Huntsville Rockets Semi Pro Football team is poised to “shine” once again by benefiting our Athens Limestone Boys and Girls Club when their season opens in March. The Rockets are not just “champs” for the way they give back to North Alabama, they are champions, literally, as well. They are the defending national champions of both the BCS Semi Pro division and the National Developmental Football League, and are working hard right now during their practice season to prepare to protect both titles.
During this time of getting ready for battle, the Huntsville Rockets have agreed to help our local Boys and Girls Club by offering 50% off any ticket for any game, all season long. The “catch” is, that you have to go “old school,” and physically bring the coupon included in this edition of Athens Now, or print one off from the online edition at
There will be a representative from the Boys and Girls Club at a table outside the gate. You’ll go to them with your coupon, and get your discount for your ticket.
Dr. John Boyle, founder of Hazel Green Chiropractic is the team doc for the Rockets, and the inspiration for this project. His office, which is located at 13971 Hwy 231/431 in Hazel Green, is the place where last year’s trophy is proudly displayed. He also has a Rockets team member who works in his practice, so these guys take the team, the game, (and even recovering from playing the game) quite seriously.
Of the team, Dr. Boyle says with affection, “We’re the best thing nobody’s ever heard of.” The team typically has a roster of between 50 and 65 players. Several players, he told me, are as good as anyone in the NFL, “but these guys can go to work on Monday,” and they truly play for the love of the game.
The season opens on March 2nd, and the Rockets will be playing the Tennessee Crush. All home games will be played at Milton Frank Stadium in Huntsville. Tickets can be purchased online at the Rockets’ website, which is Adults are ten dollars, military, kids and seniors are five.
So, by getting a copy of Athens Now, using a pair of scissors, driving to Huntsville, being a “fan in the stands,” and having a great time, you’ll also be doing a great thing, and that is help our kids through the work of the Boys and Girls Club. See you at the stadium!
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner