Horse Whispering – Round Pen Sessions at Corral Connections
Since my last writing, Corral Connections has had two groups come for round pen sessions. What does that mean? What does that involve? Can I schedule a round pen session for my group?
Round pens are helpful in the process of training horses and connecting this training to the training of humans in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 states, “Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.”
Here at Corral Connections we have a sixty foot diameter ‘John Lyons’ galvanized portable round pen, with about five inches of sand for footing. Leading a horse into the round pen and then releasing the horse without any tack on the horse, we enter an amazing classroom whereby the horse becomes a visual aid. Life lessons are reflected back to the group as a result of my connecting relationship with the horse. The group is situated in their chairs on the outside of the corral, listening and watching the session as I teach from a headset microphone.
Horses view people as predators, and when placed in a round pen (corral), they will run in circles, looking for a way of escape. Some run lap after lap around me, driven by their fear, longing for dominance, fueled by resistance. No matter what motivates a horse’s flight from me, my first goal is to encourage it to slow down and trust me enough to stop running. Through subtle cues I help the horse understand that the best thing to do is stand still, turn to face me, and look at me with both eyes.
Once I’ve gained the horse’s trust and full attention, the foundation of our relationship is built on his choice to come to me. The horse must choose to walk into the center of the circle and stand with me. It’s here that the horse finds rest, peace, and love. The horse is free of any restraints and can bolt anytime it wants. But if it runs away, there will be no rest. The horse must keep moving its feet until it chooses to return. As long as the horse continues to run, it gains no freedom.
When the horse makes the choice to stop running—to come to me and stand still at my side—the healing of its predator mindset begins. It is only when it chooses to stand with me that I touch gently every part of its body with my hands. By doing so, I put all doubt about me to rest, and the horse is able to physically feel my gift of love and peace.
Will you choose to hold still and allow the One who made you to free you, to grant to you freedom from fear and performance to a connecting relationship?
Using one horse in the first group, we learned about the power of your “yes,” the power of your “no,” and the power of your “intention.” These life lessons can then be taken outside the round corral on into the corral of your life.
Three equine teachers were used in the second group to teach the difference between “observing” and “judging”; a potent key to transition from pain to peace in our arena of life.
Comments made from first time round pen session attendees were: “I loved how the horse responded so readily and so obediently when Deb spoke in a loving and kind manner. The experience was a new one for me, and really wonderful. To see such a large, powerful animal become so submissive is truly beautiful, and a testament to the genuine connections we can have with God’s creatures.”
“A few weeks ago, our family was privileged to attend a round pen session at Corral Connections. We watched Deb communicate and direct the horse through body motions and her eyes. She explained how, due to her relationship with the horse, he obeyed her out of the desire to follow and connect. She then paralleled it to a relationship we can have with God. How He loves us and draws us with loving-kindness, not force. I thoroughly enjoyed the thought provoking experience.”
If your group is interested in an outdoor, educational, inspirational activity, please give me a call at 256-943-1121 to schedule a round pen session or email me at link listed below.
Your “Neigh”bor,
Deborah Kitchenmaster