Horse Whispering – Horses Dispel Human Nonsense
Every relationship in your life can be healed. You can personally experience reconciliation in a relationship that seems impossible. It always begins with you. I know this is a bold statement, and you will need courage to choose to face truth, KNOW the truth, speak the truth to yourself, and to be completely honest with yourself. But you can.
As life comes from sperm fertilizing an egg, choosing how we live our lives comes when the Spirit of God and the soul of man connect. The home of forming life is the womb. The home of health (how we live) is our choice. God himself says He sets before us life and death and instructs us to choose life; however, it is our choice.
When I am connecting with a horse, I can either choose to be a predator or a partner. When I am connecting with a person, I choose to react or to respond. If my choice is to be a predator or reactor, my actions will be generated by fear. If my choice is to be a partner or responder, my actions will be generated by love. It takes a huge AWARENESS inside yourself, because it is easier to take things personally and react the way you always react. This only leads you to a lot of mistakes and more suffering and pain, because reactions only generate more emotional poison and increase the drama.
Reaction comes from a belief that is deep inside, has been repeated thousands of times, and has become a routine. However, once we have AWARENESS, we connect with the “feet” of our soul (which is our will) and begin to walk out of fear and into love; out of reacting and being a predator into responding in love as a partner. This describes relationship versus programming. “We’ve always done it this way,” transforms into, “I have awakened to a new way of being.”
One of the sessions I had recently was about horse and human spending time together, “not doing.” Horses are particularly good at this. This type of session holds value to silencing the demands of “get this done, do this, fix that, or work on this” and connecting with “supply.” The source of supply could be anything from the awareness of a horse swishing its tail, the sounds of a grazing horse, the softness of a muzzle touching your arm, saying, “Hey, this is way cool, just hanging out,” to a gentle breeze sweeping across your face, sweat dripping from your forehead, a songbird singing a song that soothes your mind, the rhythm of your own breathing, or that of your horse.
This session is about “presence.” Yours. A PowerPoint comes across the screen of your mind and you understand the simplicity of standing still. This “not-so-comfortable” experience of standing still can lead us into a stillness that is inside us, a stillness where judgment cannot exist. When that voice of judgment gets silenced, a whole new arena opens to knowing goodness and well-being. This type of session is holistic in the way that less is more.
With clipboard in hand, and an assignment to “notice” or “to BE aware,” as you enjoy a session with a herd of horses, you begin to log what it is you are noticing. I refer to this type of session as an “awareness” or “wake-up” session. It’s fun and inspiring to be included in one’s discoveries that horses are willing to share. For example, observations written down on paper was the way the horses showed my client how to set boundaries with each other, while remaining intimately connected to each other.
These are five of the human nonsenses that horses dispel:
1. Fear is keeping me from enjoying and living my life.
Perfect, Unfailing Love casts out all fear. As long as there is breath in me, I get to choose. I choose love.
2. “I don’t know how.” “I can’t.” “It’s impossible.”
As part of my soul, I have a free-will. No one can take my power of choice from me, as no human gave it to me. I was created in the image and likeness of Perfect, Unfailing Love and Love always provides a space to choose. Always!
3. It’s my job to meet the demands of others out of obligation or fear of punishment.
I choose to live in the flow of supply. Freely I receive. Freely I give.
4. My life is about doing, productivity, proving, and performing.
Inside me is a place called stillness. I choose to say “yes” and enter this stillness. It is here all judgments must leave, and I rest in being the Beloved daughter/son of Perfect, Unfailing Love.
5. I need to protect myself. I choose to build walls.
I let my “yes” be yes, and my “no” be no. I choose to build healthy relationships because I enjoy the sense of well-being more than offense.
Let go of nonsense, and enjoy the vibrant sense of well-being.
Your “Neigh”bor,
By: Deb Kitchenmaster
Corral Connections