Horse Whispering: HORSE AND SOUL TOUR
With any area of personal interest, there is the opportunity to engage on an adventurous journey. We move forward, stand still, come to “intersections,” choose which direction to go, and hopefully on the road to mastery, we enter into a rest in the midst of involvement and activities!
Holding a desire inside to master natural horsemanship, I welcome informative, challenging, relevant opportunities to connect with others who have the same passion. The word ‘horsemanship’ sums it up quite well: Horse – Man – Ship!
Several years ago, I received a postcard sent to the previous owners at my address. The invitation was to attend a horse event in the Huntsville area. I went.
This was my first connection with Pat and Linda Parelli, and their horses. I observed alert horses enjoying themselves with their human partners! Unforced! Willingly! I have been to rodeos, horseshows, county fairs and trail rides, but what I was eye witnessing in this large arena was a new thing!
I was already a homeschooling parent of two children, and decided to enroll us in a natural horsemanship homeschooling program through the Parelli approach to horse training.
One by one, I began to connect with the Morgan horses that made up my little herd by playing seven different games with them. These games are ones that horses play with each other, and when you connect with the horse at this level, a relationship, respect and leadership begin to evolve! It’s quite amazing. Self-discovery is at the core of connecting and mastery. Horses naturally mirror that so honestly. At times, my leadership was worthy to follow, and then there were days that the horse looked at me as if to say, “Really?” “What?” Yes, horses are great at asking questions. It is such an awakening when you realize they are asking, and what they are asking!
I am thrilled to announce the HORSE and SOUL event this week-end on Saturday, January 19th, and Sunday, January 20th, at Morgan County Celebration, 67 Horse Center Road Arena, located in Decatur, Alabama. The doors open at 8 am, and the last demo will wrap up around 4:00 pm. Admission is free for military, police, firefighters, EMTs, and kids 16 and under. Parking is free. Cost is $25 at the door. Go to for details and schedule.
Cowboy church starts at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 20th with demos following. The show finale is at 4:00 p.m.
For those of you who do not have Internet, some of the demos on Saturday are: Seven Keys to Success, Psychology 101, Pre-Saddle Training, and Quick and Easy Fixes for Straightness. Sunday demos include Diagnosing and Solving Lead Change Challenges, Mastering Body Position, and Driving and Trailer Loading.
Hope to see you there, and may your HEART and SOUL be touched by this HORSE and SOUL event!
In the book of Genesis, it is recorded that God made man from dust, then God breathed into man’s nostrils His breath, and man became a living soul. In the original Hebrew language, the words “living soul” actually means “speaking spirit.” This is what differentiates us in the animal kingdom.
May the speaking spirit of the children of God connect with the conscious spirit of the equine, creating an awakened beauty of righteousness on this earth!
Your “NEIGH”bor,
Deb Kitchenmaster
Corral Connections:
Connecting with LIFE through a horse
Animal B.E.S.T. Practitioner