Getting Back To Normal?
By: Wanda Campbell
According to, “normal” is conforming to a standard, typical, usual, average state or condition. For the past month, our standard has been to “stay at home, stay six feet apart, and stay safe.” Hopefully, very soon, we will have a new “normal.”
Since we are not sure about the timing of the new normal at the Athens State Center for Lifelong Learning, we are looking at alternate options for our “new normal.” This summer, we will offer innovative, interesting camps through online learning options. Using Zoom, our instructors will conduct live, person-to-person camps and classes.
We will be offering Summer Camps via Zoom. Check out the website – – for information about days and times. We are offering Hands Up American Sign Language Camp, Yoga for 8-12 year olds and teens, Words Alive (a writing camp), Photography for Kids, Hip Hop, Game Coding, Computer Keyboarding Camp, and Art Explorers (an arts & craft camp). There will also be CSI for Kids, Jazz Fusion, and 3-D Special Art. Call us at 256-233-8260 or visit our website to register.
This summer, we are offering courses for adults as well. Our instructors will be using Zoom for live, interactive courses to develop professional skills and enhance personal interests.
Our summer offerings for adults who want to polish their career skills include Excel Skills for Business, Leadership Certificate Series, Time Management Certificate, First-Time Manager Certificate, Front-Line Supervisor Certificate, and Navigating Social Media/Digital Marketing Certificate. If you have questions regarding our professional programs call 256-233-8260.
For those who just want to learn or experience something new, we are offer several personal interest courses. Check out the Yoga for Adults program. Dana Waldrop will lead you in breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to help relieve the day-to-day stress.
In the Biblical Leadership Certificate, Dr. Robert White will apply new leadership skills and principles for your ministry or everyday life. This certificate equips you to lead in church while assessing cultural ministry challenges.
You can join me on July 12 for a lunchtime Virtual Tour of Israel. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Israel in 2016, and I took lots of pictures. In this course, I will also share the tips and tidbits from our Tour Guide. On July 31, I will share stories and pictures for the Virtual Tour of Iceland. It was an amazing trip, and the culture was very interesting.
At Athens State’s Center for Lifelong Learning, we are looking forward to summer programming. We are excited about the new options for classes and are looking forward to seeing you back at the Center when it is safe to return. Remember our website – You can also check us out on Facebook at Center for Lifelong Learning – Athens State University or on Instagram at CLLatathensstate.
By: Wanda Campbell
Center for Lifelong Learning – 121 South Marion Street, Athens, AL 35611 – 256-233-8262