FUNDRAISING: Cash, Checks, and Precious Pups
FUNDRAISING: Cash, Checks, and Precious Pups
There is nothing like having organization, and taking advantage of the love people have for their dogs!
Memberships and Donations
It is critically important to KALB’s financial stability that we increase our number of members and encourage donations. The percentage of our community population who has invested in KALB is very small. I invite everyone to visit our website to learn about the many wonderful things KALB is doing to make our community better for everyone.
Here are just a few:
• Home & Garden Show Seedling Giveaway
• Elk River Canoe & Kayak Trail Cleanup
• Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO
• Providing Community Service Hours
• Adopt-A-Spot Program
• Environmental Education – Pre-school through 6th grade
4H Club Presentations City & County 5th & 6th grade a few days of spring-like weather to bring me out of a funk. Yes, things have been a bit stressful at the KALB office for the past few months. Several of our KALB Commission members had a brainstorming session recently to try to find ways to fix our budget deficit due to losing some important funding dollars. Leigh, our office manager, took two months off without pay to help bridge the gap, but there is still a ways to go.
• Brainstorming is always fun, and we had some really creative thinkers in the group. We decided to consider our financial difficulties as an opportunity rather than a problem. With that in mind, KALB is focusing on attracting new members to our
• Supply Provisions for Litter Cleanups
• Speakers for Groups/Clubs
• Specially-Designed Presentations by Request
• Bi-Monthly Athens Now Articles
• KALB Website and Social Media
If you are led to support these efforts in a big or small way, please visit our website at and select your method of giving under the Donation Tab. You may also send your membership check or donation to KALB, P.O. Box 1089, Athens, AL 35612. Every dollar means the world to KALB.
Pet Photo Contest
We are also pleased to announce our inaugural Paws for the Environment Photo Contest and Fundraiser! KALB invites all of you with a precious pooch to enter them in our contest. Winners will be featured in our 2017 Paws for the Environment Calendar.
Elkmont’s famous Ludivine has endorsed this contest and will be featured on the calendar cover.
Each entry must be accompanied by an Entry Form and a $5.00 donation to KALB. You can find links on our website under the EVENTS tab. If you send in $10 (instead of $5), that will cover your entry fee plus 10 votes to start you off.
Photos of pets will appear on the KALB website, and the public will be invited to vote for their favorites beginning March 15th. Each $1 donation to KALB will equal one vote. Online voting will be available; however, votes can be sent in by mail or brought to the KALB office as well.

Voting will continue through April with final voting taking place at the Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO on April 30th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Friendship Church in Athens. Ludivine will be at this event to give lots of love and licks!
Some winning pets may be offered a photo shoot and winning owners will be presented with a complimentary calendar once they are printed. All donations will help KALB to meet basic budgetary needs.
Everyone Wins!
Our goal is to make Athens and Limestone County a cleaner and more beautiful place to live, work, and play through education and grassroots efforts. Please help us continue these works through your personal participation.
All staff, volunteers, and supporters of KALB say “THANK YOU!”
By: Lynne Hart