Eat Less – Live Longer – The Alternative Approach
By: Roy Williams
Americans are obsessed with food. Everything we plan seems to be around food and much of the problem I have observed over the last 30 years is not only the amount we eat, but the foods that have been approved for human consumption.
On top of that we are in such a hurry, which reminds me of a movie that was released a few years back. One of the main characters had been in prison for several years. When he was released he wrote the others in the system and said, “The world has gone and got itself in a big damn hurry.” When we do eat, we rush and when we rush, we tend to overeat.
Food, in America, is everywhere. You can go thorough a drive through and eat while you drive, while you work, while you watch TV; and you can put money in a machine and food will drop out.
The FDA is one of the biggest problems. They have the power to decide what can be classified as food. Advertising a food product must meet their approval and their whole premise is, public safety, right? If you believe that, then remember that I have some ocean front property in Tennessee for sale. All chemicals used to preserve food, fertilize food, process food, and even cook food must meet their approval. The ingredients must be put on the label along with the preservatives, calories, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, and fats. And for your safety, they must let you know if it has been processed where they also process peanuts.
You would think that with all those rules and regulations more people would be aware of what they are putting in their bodies. In reality, most people simply take for granted that because it is FDA approved, it must be safe and therefore somewhat healthy.
It is not only what we eat that makes us fat, toxifies our systems, weakens our immune systems, taxes our liver, kidneys, and pancreas, but it is also the fact that we eat entirely too much when we do eat. Americans look to food for recreation, comfort, boredom, celebration, and even depression. As a result, most Americans eat twice as many calories as they actually need to sustain their health.
When we overeat, the body suffers. Eat too much sugar and your pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin resulting in diabetes. Eat too much protein and your kidneys can fail. Eat too much fat and you can develop a fatty liver. Eat too much for long periods of time and you will become obese.
Obesity has become epidemic in America. Almost one quarter of the children under seventeen in America are now considered obese. Obesity has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, low self-esteem, osteo arthritis, and many other medical problems that are costing the nation billions of dollars each year.
Have you ever heard someone say, “Get A Grip”? It is time for someone to simply tell the truth. Remember, only the truth will set you free. The truth is, we eat entirely too much to be healthy.
The foods we eat are too acidic, contain too many calories from sugar and starch. They also contain too many chemicals such as preservatives, pesticides, heavy metals, and fertilizers made from aluminum salts. Those same foods are terribly deficient of the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, glycol-nutrients, and proteins that are used to build a healthy body.
Our bodies must receive 16 vitamins, 74 minerals and trace elements, 12 amino acids, 3 essential fatty acids, and plenty protein daily in order to maintain a healthy pH and build healthy tissue. Unfortunately, most Americans get less than half those amounts from the standard American diet.
When you continually eat too much food that is lacking the nutrients needed to maintain health, you will begin to crave even more food. Those cravings are your body demanding more nutrients. Unfortunately, most of us simply keep eating more calories and most of those calories are empty calories, which will increase the likelihood of obesity and disease.
What is an empty calorie? A perfect example is refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup, which are the primary calories in our food. A sugar-sweetened soft drink is full of calories as seen on the label. What is missing from the label are the nutrients.
To close out this article, just remember to read the labels, and if there is not a long list of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and protein) you probably should not eat or drink it. More on this subject next time because once you know the truth, you will be free to make healthier choices.
By: Roy Williams – Your Friend In Health