Duck Decorating Contest
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner
Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful invites businesses and organizations to participate in their first Quacky Duck Decorating contest. Make it whimsical. Make it beautiful. Make it unique. Most of all, make it FUN!
KALB will provide a wooden duck to anybusiness or organization within Limestone County wishing to participate. Ducks will be available by August 1st. “Ducks can be decorated to reflect the business or organization or any theme that makes them happy,” said Lynne Hart, KALB ExecutiveCoordinator. “The ducks can be painted or have embellishments added as long as the footprint of the finished duck is no larger than 18” x 18”. There is no entry fee to participate.
Ducks will be displayed at businesses from September 1st (or earlier if theyare ready) through the first week of October. The community will be asked to vote for their favorite duck. $1 equals one vote and voting jars will be located by each duck. Ducks will then be displayed at the Old Time Fiddlers Convention where additional votes will be collected. The decorators of the winning duck will be rewarded with a beautiful ribbon to proudly display. All decorated ducks will also be entered into a silent auction. Adding trinkets, coupons, or gift certificates to ducks will benefit the silent auction; however, this is not a requirement for participation.
All proceeds from voting and the silent auction will benefit Keep Athens- Limestone Beautiful.
For more information, contact KALB at KALBCares@, 256- 233-8000, or visit their website at www.KALBCares. com and click the Events tab. Online registration is available.