Dog Barker – They Grieve Too
So, I am going to rant for a second. On the morning of April 15, 2016, (I may have the date wrong) I drove into town to grab some breakfast. As I was driving back on Looney Road, I saw a horse that was loose running on the side of the road. Now people, when there is a thousand plus pound animal running loose on the side of the road, don’t speed past it. If the animal decides to panic and run out in front of your vehicle, there will not be time to stop. The cost would be too great and the “genius” who hit the animal would have no vehicle left. Also, I would like to add that the “genius” who saw the man helping walk the horse back and sped by him driving a white 4×4 king cab should not have a license at all because YOU put that man walking the nervous horse at risk. I watched as the horse started to rear its head and thankfully the man maintained control. Lastly, this was in the Athens City limits so I am asking the Athens Police Department, if they would like more revenue that they set up a speed trap on Looney Road. I can’t tell the number of times my dash cam has caught someone blowing by me while I was driving 45 miles per hour, the legal speed, way before the city limit sign. Any Police Officer reading this please do not take offense I just foresee someone’s child getting run over on that road with all those houses. End of rant.
Recently, there have been a few deaths in the community and during these tough times these families also have dogs. Some families have told me that their dog’s behaviors have changed after the death of a loved one. Some have changed for the worse, as in trying to bite. Others have refused to go into certain rooms in the house where the family member once lived. It is strange to hear people talk about these reactions. But, think about it, how many of us hear these similar stories from families of the “Fallen?” Regardless if they are soldiers or police officers, I have seen videos where dogs attend the funeral of their person and in most cases they either lay by the casket or cannot contain themselves for their grief. A good example of this is the movie “Max.” It is about a Marine K9 who loses his person and he develops PTSD from the incident. The Marine Corp brought Max to the funeral and just like I described, he was crying and trying to get to the casket of his person. I won’t spoil the rest of the movie, but I will say it is worth a watch.
There have been times where my family has witnessed something similar to this. In 1990, my Aunt Angie, died in a tragic car accident. Her dogs were allowed to attend her funeral. The cemetery was next door to my Aunt’s home and witnesses say that her dogs would go and lay at her grave every day. So, ask yourself, do they really grieve? They must have a spirit or soul of some kind because something that had none of these things would not act the way they do. Food for thought.
So, remember when a loved one passes and there is a family dog who loves them, give them the chance to say goodbye. Maybe by doing so a lot of behavior issues could be avoided. To my family and friends, remember if I do pass before my “babies,” let them come to my funeral and let them grieve. I believe I will see all of mine again, those with me now and those waiting for me there. To me, they are my treasures in Heaven.
“Remember to love your dogs because they love you. Maybe not the way you want them to, like chewing up your favorite shoes or what not, but that is just love chewing. Be thankful for the time you have with them always.”
By: Joel (and Zeus) Allen