Cooking With Shelley – Sausage Balls
Ms. Clara (my daughter) is at it again in the kitchen…
Not so long ago, I was awakened to the aroma of something baking in the oven. Couldn’t put my finger on what it might be, but I knew it was gonna be good! As I stumbled towards the kitchen, there she was…in full flight. She had a pan of sausage balls in the oven, she was rolling out more, and she had this neat basket lined with cheesecloth to put them in (the basket reminded me of little Red Riding Hood). She was making them for her co-workers. She reported to me that afternoon that they were a hit!
She also shared the recipe with me…HEHEHE. They are very easy to make and keep well in their raw state. Because the recipe made more than what I needed at the time, I kept half of the mixture for later.
Hope you enjoy them as much as we did. They will be on my holiday menu.