Clean & Green – Give Back AND Raise Funds!
The Adopt-A-Spot program is a great way for groups and individuals to serve the community while raising funds to do even more good through their own organization. This program has been in existence for several years now with volunteers adopting spots for a period of one year or continuing on for several years.
Boy Scout Troop #24 adopted Lucas Ferry Rd. from Market St. to Hwy. 72 when the program first began in 2010 and has continued to take care of this area faithfully ever since. The troop leadership keeps track of which boys participate, then earmarks a prorated amount that those boys can use toward scouting activities.
We also have an individual who has adopted two areas. Since reward money must go to a local organization, Mr. Barry Phillips has designated the new library to receive funds from one adopted area, and KALB to receive the funds from the second area.
How It Works:
KALB will supply safety vests, trash bags, and litter grabbers to any group or individual willing to clean a designated area once per month. After each cleanup, a simple online report must be completed so KALB can keep up with the group’s activities. It will also allow us to make arrangements for filled trash bags and large items to be picked up. These volunteers also scan the area for properties that do not meet city ordinances with regard to tall grass, weeds, trash, or junk vehicles.
After each 3rd cleanup (no more than once per quarter), a reward check is sent to the adopting organization or local charity of choice. These funds can then be used to further the good works of the receiving organization.
How to Get Involved:
If you are interested in getting involved in this program, the first step is to let KALB know. We will then send you a packet of information which includes the guidelines of the program and the necessary paperwork to register a group or individual.
If, after reading through the materials, you decide to adopt an area, KALB staff will discuss with you those available for adoption.
Why is a Clean Community Important?
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, community cleanups show that the people who use an area care about its appearance. When a neighborhood is clean, well lighted, and used often by residents, crime is less likely to occur. Eliminating trash, debris, and tall weeds from an area will help make a location less attractive to criminals and more attractive to the community, according to the USDJ.
Clean communities also help attract new business to the area. We have been told many times what a positive impact clean roadsides and attractive green spaces have on those visiting our area to “check us out”.
If you would like more information on the Adopt-A-Spot program, please give us a call or send us an email. Let’s talk!
By: Lynne Hart