Christmas Time is Here…
“Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer. Fun for all, the children call their favorite time of year. Christmas time is here, we’ll be drawing near. Oh, that we could always see such Spirit through the year.”
Christmas time truly is my favorite time of the year. Everyone is full of hope, love, and cheer. There’s a feeling of magic in the air as we hustle and bustle in the cold wintry air. With all the hustle and bustle, having a quick and easy Christmas casserole for Christmas breakfast is essential. This recipe is as delicious as it is easy.
My husband, Jon, is the true Christmas fan of my family. He begins to listen to Christmas music as early as he can on the radio (to be honest, it’s been playing on our car radio since November 1). He wants to make sure everyone has presents to open and everyone has a magical holiday. About two weeks before the big day, he plans Christmas events for every evening — looking at holiday lights, watching Christmas movies, going to small-town Christmas parades, baking Christmas goodies … he loves to spread holiday cheer.
Jon’s spirit is infectious. He has made my heart grow to be full of holiday love. No matter our circumstances, he is always joyous. He reminds me how important it is to cherish every minute I have to spend with my loved ones this time of the year. Jon reminds me of how loved I am and how much he loves our whole family. He reminds me to reflect on the multitude of blessings that have been bestowed on our family.
I want to share a beautiful prayer that was on a Christmas card we received years ago. My husband lives this prayer every day, every year. I hope to embody this prayer this year and hope to keep the Spirit of the season in my heart all year long. “May the harmony of Christmas stay in your heart all year round and may the Lord send his blessings. May God bless you and let this Christmas season bring comfort and joy to you and your family. Let the Lord send good tidings and the angels sing with joy! I wish you gladness and peace in the New Year!”