Brian Terry Is Asking For Your Vote On August 25
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner
Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Brian Terry, who is running for Mayor of Athens. As we chatted about his political run, I realized that we had something in common, and that is an intense love for Athens, even though he has been here all his life (except for 9 weeks), and this month I have been here for 20 years. Here is what he says about himself, and why he feels he is in the best position to ask for your vote on August 25. You can email him at for further communication and information, and most importantly, please make sure to exercise your constitutional right, privilege, and obligation by casting your vote in just a few weeks.
“After much prayer, thought and input from the community, Brian Terry “BT” qualified to seek the office of mayor in Athens.
Due to COVID-19, Brian is respecting each individual’s health and personal space. He will be limiting the traditional door-to-door campaign style because of the Governor’s face mask mandate and the suggested social distancing.
He is currently the instructor of the School of Architectural Design and Innovative Design and the assistant principal of the Limestone County Career Technical Center. He has served as a dual enrollment and adjunct instructor for Calhoun Community College.
In his thirty-one-year career of teaching and training Athens and Limestone County students, he has developed an understanding of the need for a quality “high-tech” skilled workforce, industrial development, local business expansion opportunities, high quality educational standards in our school systems and effective communication with others. He understands the need to continually review and frequently update the city’s growth and expansion plan(s). He has the ability to communicate, negotiate, promote and unify the city, the citizens, the businesses and the industries.
As your mayor, he will have an open-door policy and listen to every citizen’s concerns about issues that need to be resolved.
As your mayor, he will listen to the concerns and tend to the needs of all city employees every day, not just during an election year.
As your mayor, he will ensure that the city seeks and applies for every possible grant and funding source that will allow the city to match funds so that Athens can maximize our revenues including, but not limited to, working closely with our state and U.S. elected officials.
As your mayor, he will coordinate and cooperate with the city departments, the city council, the citizens and the business leaders to develop a more comprehensive aggressive plan to repave and repair damaged streets throughout the city, including the continuation of expanding sidewalks and walking trails and other infrastructure needs. He pledges to work with ALDOT and design a plan to improve the traffic signal timing on Hwy 72.
The following is a description of some Brian’s accomplishments, leadership positions, honors and awards:
Leadership Positions
Currently Vice-President/President Elect of the Limestone County Education Association
Currently SkillsUSA Advisor
Currently National Career Technical Honor Society sponsor
Currently LEO Club (Junior Lions Club) sponsor
Currently Park Place HOA of Athens President
Currently Park Place HOA of Athens Architectural Review Committee Chair
Currently Member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Currently Member of the Limestone County Career Technical Center School Improvement Team
Served on the SkillsUSA Board of Directors
Served on the Athens City Council
Served as President of the Athens City Council for two years
Served on the Athens Planning Commission
Served on the Alabama League of Municipalities Urban and Economic Development Committee
Served as Limestone County Career Technical Association President
Served as a member of the RC&D Council
Served on the State of Alabama Textbook Review and Curriculum Committee
Served as tournament director for the first Alabama Dixie Youth baseball tournament hosted by Athens
Served as Athens Dixie Youth board member and president
Honors, Awards and Community Activities
Limestone County School District Teacher of the Year Award
Limestone County Career Technical Center Teacher of the Year
Alabama Career Technical Instructor of the Year
Dekko Teacher of Excellence Award
Distinguished Alabama SkillsUSA Advisor of the Year Award
Athens High School Booster Club member
Former Dixie Youth baseball and softball coach
Former Athens recreation league basketball coach
As your mayor, he will work through the issues and concerns while always striving to find the best solution to each one. He believes that we live in a great community, and he would like to help make it even better.
Brian Terry is asking for your prayers, consideration, support and vote for mayor in the City of Athens Municipal Election on August 25, 2020.”
By: Ali Elizabeth Turner