Ask And You Shall Receive
By: Charles Joseph
So far in this series I have talked about being patient with your goals, living with passion, and not making you problems bigger than they are. Without the character to do these things, one lacks the capacity to develop purpose in life.
Purpose is defined as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” In this article, I will be talking about creating passion and developing the character to pursue not just goals but passions.
Most of us here in the South have heard the scripture, “Ask and you shall receive.” My question to you, the reader, is what have you received up to this point in your life? I am not just talking about monetary rewards. I am speaking directly to the creation of character by “asking” life for more. More than you think you can give. More than you think you deserve.
Genuine joy is something that many people seem to lack that deserves significant attention. I can see on their faces and in their actions that they are living day to day, just surviving. I myself have been there, and I still have my moments. The difference between the person who has joy and is passionate about life and the person who feels lost in this life is simply this — What actions/attitudes have led to this moment that you are in?
A joyful heart is the beginning of a life filled with passion. A joyful heart can often come from the little things in life. The smile of a child. The achievement of a goal. But is can also come from setting goals so high that, even if you do not achieve them, you will be much farther ahead than you ever thought was possible.
This leads me to a universal truth. Asking for what you want in life gets you that very thing. It takes time and patience to get that thing. But what if you had told yourself, “I don’t want to just climb this mountain. I also want to climb the bigger mountain?” Set your sights high and you may see what the eagle sees.
For instance, if your goal is just to be “happy” in life, then you will likely achieve some level of happiness. Let’s dissect this goal for a moment. One, it is not specific. Define happiness for yourself. Is happiness making a lot of money? Is it getting recognized by your peers for a job well done? Is it having children that are respectful and well-adjusted?
Take the goal of happiness a step further. Maybe happiness is just a general term to you. A knee-jerk reaction. If things aren’t going your way, you choose to be “happy” anyway. That isn’t a goal. That isn’t a passion. That isn’t setting the bar high enough.
Now, if you set your goal to have more good days than bad, and keep track of the good days, then that is an attainable goal. What if your goal was to make everyday a good day by being less affected? What if you tied in that goal with raising children who think that way too? What if you said to yourself that nothing will take my joy, peace, savings, etc.? That is a positive, high goal.
So what if you have a “bad” day here and there. So what if you have to dip into savings for an emergency. Your goal, your mission, your purpose is higher than that. You have now set yourself up for passion.
I would encourage you as you go through the days to come to set high, seemingly unattainable goals. Track your progress. Build your garden. Watch as your life transforms slowly over time. Be patient, and life will give you what you ask of it and, oftentimes, not a penny more.
By: Charles Joseph