Are You Smarter Than Our 5th Graders?
Test Your Knowledge and Win a Prize Package
Over the past few months, Leigh Patterson and I have taken an Environmental Jeopardy game into our Athens City and Limestone County Schools. Every 5th and 6th grade class participated to see who knew the most about the environment and the part we play in protecting or harming it.
Several of the same questions were asked at Earth Day recently as adults and students tested their knowledge in order to receive door prize tickets.
Now we’d like to present some of these questions to you! KALB has put together a prize package of items which we will give away to someone who correctly answers all of the questions. All correct entries will be placed in a drawing to win the prize.
Once you’ve completed your answers, follow instructions at the end of this article to send us your entry.
OK, put your 5th grade thinking caps on, or just grab a 5th grader to help you!
We will answer all of these questions and announce the winner in a future issue. All entries must be delivered or postmarked by June 4, 2016. Winning entry will be drawn no later than June 10, 2016.
MAIL ENTRIES: KALB Quiz, P.O. Box 1089, Athens, AL 35611
EMAIL Scanned Entries:
Bring them to the KALB office at 125 East Street in Athens.