Are We Reaching You? – Clean & Green
By: Lynne Hart
The main purpose for KALB’s existence is to provide tools to residents of Athens and Limestone County that will help them take better care of the 607 square miles we call home. The most important tool we can offer is information, and that’s our specialty.
KALB is a great resource for information and presentations!
Ruby McCartney, Recycling Plant Manager; Leigh Patterson, KALB Office Manager; and I have combined experience of 35 years with this organization. Invite one or more of us to your classroom, place of business, club or association meeting, and we can answer most questions about local recycling, litter abatement programs, how to handle properties in Athens with overgrown grass, weeds, and junk vehicles, and other issues.
We have designed programs for preschoolers through 6th grade that cover a variety of topics. We have programs available to youth groups, such as scouts and churches. Specific programs have also been designed based on teacher/group leader requests.
Preschoolers love visits from our mascot Sparky and The Talking Tree. Older kids enjoy playing Environmental Jeopardy with questions geared to specific age groups. Would you like to learn how plastic is handled at our center and what happens to it after it is sold? We can provide presentations as well as tours.
KALB also has a variety of books with environmental topics we would be happy to bring to your classroom and read to your young students.
Here are just a few examples of what is available through KALB:
- Preschool presentations with mascot, Sparky, or The Talking Tree
- Elementary classroom presentations about the dangers of littering and importance of recycling. This can include a visit from Sparky for K and 1st grade. Also includes an opportunity for kids to become Student Litter Patrol Officers.
- Intermediate and middle school classroom presentations on recycling, danger of littering, and general environment. This can include a competitive game of Environmental Jeopardy.
- Youth and adult club and organization presentations on recycling, environmental stewardship, and community service opportunities.
- Story Time reading environmentally-based books geared to pre-school through 3rd grade
- Tours – Recycling center and beyond!
Other Ways We Share Information
We are passionate about sharing information and we do it in many different ways.
- Our website is packed with useful information. Visit
- Check us out on Facebook: Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful and Twitter: @KeepALBeautiful
- Twice-monthly article in Athens Now (like this one!)
- Monthly eNewsletters sent via email. (We NEVER share or sell email addresses and use them only for newsletter purposes.) Send us an email letting us know you’d like to receive them.
- Newspaper, radio, and television news outlets
We welcome you to drop by the KALB office or Recycling Center and speak with us about what we offer. Pick up brochures on the KALB organization, recycling, household hazardous waste, and other topics. We are proud of our organization and all that we offer, and we welcome the opportunity to talk about it!
By: Lynne Hart
Executive Coordinator – Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful