About Us
Thanks for visiting Athens Now Al we are small town paper with our focus on information and inspiration.
Publisher / Editor
Ali Turner
Teddy Wolcott
Contributing Writers
Shelley Underhill
Janet Hunt
Wanda Campbell
Lynne Hart
Jeanette Dunnavant
Deb Kitchenmaster
Jim Doyle
Will Anderson
Drs. Lynn and Lorie Hedgepeth
Pam Hartmann
Table Of Contents
- Alabama Veterans’ Museum
- All Things Soldier
- Amanda, Absolutely!
- Blake’s Beat
- Clean and Green
- Cooking With Anna
- Cooking With Cindy
- Cooking With Kim
- Cooking With Shelley
- Cooking With Tammy
- Dog Barker
- Featured Cover Stories
- Fitness, Fiscally Speaking
- Foreman’s Forum
- Gen Y Perspective
- Health And Fitness
- Horse Whispering
- Issues In PDF Format
- Jerry’s Journal
- Life Coaching With Charlie
- Lifelong Learning
- Mae Lewis
- Mental Health Minute
- Pet Points
- PlayAction Sports
- Press Releases
- Publisher’s Point
- Security Savvy
- Slinkard On Success
- Special Feature
- Steve’s Corner
- The Alternative Approach
- The Chronicles of Charles
- The Millennial Mind
- The View From The Bridge
- Tina’s Tales
- Tourism
- What Makes Ronnie Roll
- World According to Will