A Temporary Storm
By: Lynne Hart
The world has turned upside down and we are all trying to navigate these uncharted waters. To say it has been confusing and difficult is an understatement.
I have been working from home for two weeks as I write this. This has been a challenge for several reasons. There are so many distractions! First, a dining room table and wooden chair are not the most comfortable alternative to a desk and an office chair.
My back reminds me of that every day! There are frequently sounds of TV shows like Emergency, The Talk, and Andy Griffith coming from my mother’s room. When I’m at the office, I don’t even have a radio on. I love quiet when I’m concentrating. Then there is my dog, Ivy, who is happy to have me home and demands my attention.
Please know I am not complaining! I am grateful that at this time I am still working. I know from talking to colleagues and friends that many are dealing with similar issues and so much more. I’m not trying to take care of and homeschool children. I don’t have a loved one in a hospital or nursing home who I am unable to visit. I am not a healthcare worker or first responder on the front line of this war. I am not a small business owner worrying about staying afloat.
I pray for everyone juggling all of these things, and I thank God for those who are fighting this invisible enemy on a daily basis. May God bless and keep you all safe in His mighty hand. I have joined thousands across the nation praying in unity for God’s intervention and protection. You can join, too. Visit www.Unity714.com, then set your alarm for 7:14 a.m. and 7:14 p.m. to pray.
Yes, COVID-19 has caused KALB and our Athens-Limestone Recycling Center to make major changes.
Recycling Changes
As most of you already know, all bins have been removed from the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center and all trailers have been removed from Limestone County Community Collection centers. No recycling is being accepted. We can make no exceptions. This has been done because the center’s employees who sort and bale the recycled materials are inmates who have been placed on lockdown. Center management and drivers are sorting the materials currently onsite. Decisions will have to be made once that work is complete.
The City of Athens has discontinued curbside recycling for the same reason. Materials collected curbside go to the Decatur Recycling Center, and they also use inmates to sort materials who are on lockdown.
KALB has had to postpone several events.
The Household Hazardous Waste collection we’ve all waited 12 years for has been postponed until August 29.
The Indorama Cash for Trash Challenge has been halted and will restart once we have the OK from Keep America Beautiful to continue roadside cleanups. The end date of this challenge will be extended to allow everyone to have a chance to win several cash prizes, with the biggest being $1,000.
Our 12th Annual Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO has been postponed until July 18. We are hoping that by then we will be cleared to have a wonderful celebration.
Our offices are currently closed; however, you can reach me by calling the KALB number which is forwarded to my cell phone.
We Shall Return!
I can assure you that when the all clear is given and our employees are safe to return to work, we will be back! We look forward to serving our community.
Please stay safe, stay at home, practice social distancing, and God bless one and all.
By: Lynne Hart
Executive Coordinator – Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful